Summary of Macbeth and Characters

Picture of characters from Macbeth


Summary of Macbeth and Characters

  • A Short Summary of Macbeth and Characters by William Shakespeare
  • Brief plot of Macbeth and Characters
  • List of Characters in the William Shakespeare play - Macbeth
  • Picture of characters from Macbeth

Globe Theatre & Shakespeare

Globe Theatre Index

Summary of Macbeth and Characters

Interesting information about the Globe Theatre of Elizabethan London with a William Shakespeare Play Summary of Macbeth with a list of Characters

Summary of Macbeth and Characters
The list of Macbeth characters provide a convenient introduction to the William Shakespeare play summary of Macbeth. The male and female characters bring the plot of the play to life. Not only do we remember the stories but we remember the people - we all have our favourite characters.

Characters in Macbeth

Lady Macduff
Earl Siward
Young Siward
King Duncan
Lady Macbeth

Summary of Macbeth
The following short summary of Macbeth provides a brief description of this famous William Shakespeare play. The story of the plot with its famous characters via the summary of Macbeth. Interesting facts and information about the Globe Theatre of Elizabethan London with a William Shakespeare Play Summary of Macbeth with a list of Characters.

The Summary of Macbeth
This drama is one of the great tragedy themed plays by William Shakespeare. The themes illustrated in the play include ambition, fate, deception and treachery. Three witches  decide to confront the great Scottish general Macbeth on his victorious return from a war between Scotland and Norway. The Scottish king, Duncan, decides that he will confer the title of the traitorous Cawdor on the heroic Macbeth. Macbeth, and another General called Banquo, happen upon the three witches. The witches predict that he will one day become king. He decides that he will murder Duncan. Macbeth's wife agrees to his plan. He then murders Duncan assisted by his wife who smears the blood of Duncan on the daggers of the sleeping guards. A nobleman called Macduff discovers the body. Macbeth kills the guards insisting that their daggers smeared with Duncan's blood are proof that they committed the murder. The crown passes to Macbeth. More murders ensue and the bloodied ghost of Banquo appears to Macbeth. Lady Macbeth's conscience now begins to torture her and she imagines that she can see her hands covered with blood. She commits suicide. Macduff kills Macbeth and becomes king.

Summary of Macbeth and Characters
Interesting Facts and information about the Summary of Macbeth and Characters. Additional details, facts and information about the Globe Theatre and the summary and characters of other William Shakespeare plays can be accessed via the Globe Theatre Sitemap.

Summary of Macbeth and Characters

  • A Summary of Macbeth and Characters by William Shakespeare
  • Short Summary of Macbeth and Characters
  • Brief plot of Macbeth and Characters
  • List of Characters in the William Shakespeare play - Macbeth
  • Globe Theatre in the Elizabethan era of the English Renaissance period
  • Elizabethan Theatre in the 16th century

Summary of Macbeth and Characters

Globe Life - Globe Lighting - Online Education - Theater Seating - Globe Life - London - Shakespeare Essays - Plot Summary Of Macbeth And Characters - Short Summary Of Macbeth And Characters - Brief Summary Of Macbeth And Characters - Summary Plot Of Macbeth And Characters - Summary Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare - Summary Of The Play Macbeth And Characters - Plot Summary Of Macbeth And Characters - Short Summary Of Macbeth And Characters - Brief Summary Of Macbeth And Characters - Summary Plot Of Macbeth And Characters - Summary Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare - Summary Of The Play Macbeth And Characters - Interesting Facts and Information about the Globe Theatre in London, England - Globe Lighting - Online Education - Theater Seating - Globe Life - London - Shakespeare Essays - Written By Linda Alchin

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